by Bob Withrow, LUT
If you are one of the dedicated and growing number of followers to our weekly blog, then you probably know that this is Holy Week. For Christians around the world, Holy Week starts with the Palm Sunday celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry to Jerusalem together...
by Bob Withrow, LUT
A couple of Sundays ago, Rev. Brian Grandon referenced one of my favorite Christian Bible scriptures: Come to me, all of you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle...
by Bob Withrow, LUT
“I choose to live each day, fully in charge of my thoughts and aligned with the Divine.” “Oh my God, does that ever hurt,” I thought without uttering a sound. I became aware that I was now laying flat on my back on my garage floor. Then it...
by Bob Withrow, LUT
“The more you pay attention, the more you will see blessings throughout each day.” -attributed to someone very wise but name unknown I love the quote above because it...
by Bob Withrow, LUT
In this week’s blog, our Director of Member Development and Licensed Unity Teacher, Bob Withrow, shares a bit about his recent journey to Egypt and some of the learning and unlearning that transpired as part of this mystical journey. My journey, or at least my...