Dear Friends:

This Sunday, June 8th, we have the pleasure of welcoming Liliane Desjardins to speak at our 9:25 and 11:25 am services! Liliane’s talk title is “Life More Abundant,” and she is a shining example of the wisdom of a lifetime of living from that place of abundance. She is an amazing woman who has facilitated and witnessed the transformations of so many people because of her expertise as a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist.

Her story is inspirational to all who have the pleasure of hearing her speak or reading her books. I hope you will consider joining us this weekend as we listen and learn from our beloved Liliane, a UCOH board member, and a beautiful soul who walks the talk as her authentic self!

All my love,

Rev. Donna

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2014-06-08 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-06-08 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Affirmations and Bulletin’]


  • The radiant life of God fills me with energy and vitality; I am strengthened, renewed and made whole.


  • My blessings multiply as I focus on the good in my life!


  • I am aligned with the Divine plan of freedom for my life, and move forward into new possibilities.


  • In the center of myself is a deep, still ocean of love.


  • I live each day from the peace of God within me.



Bulletin 06-08-2014


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Sunday Service MediaLife More Abundant with Liliane Desjardins, June 8, 2014