Dear Friends:
Each year around this time, we experience Prayer Chaplain Dedication Sunday. In our 8AM,9:30AM and 11:30AM Services, our new Prayer Chaplains, and those recommitting, as well as our Prayer Chaplain Emeriti, are recognized. It is a very meaningful time for our community. It is fitting that the Celebration Service lessons this weekend are about our Mystical Powers of “Wisdom and Strength.”
We continue in the direction of recognizing these indwelling mind powers and how much richer our lives are when we allow the Christ within to direct them. Centered in the wholeness of Spirit, we not only have a “mind” to serve, we do so, empowered and wisely.
Have a beautiful week! 

With Love,

Rev. Steve

Wisdom and Strength

[wptab name=’Meditation’]

2014-05-04 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.
Did you enjoy this meditation? Please prayerfully consider donating here to Unity Church of the Hills to support our Video Ministry.


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2014-05-04 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.

Did you enjoy this sermon? Please prayerfully consider donating here to Unity Church of the Hills to support our Video Ministry.

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[wptab name=’Affirmation and Bulletin’]


  • I am created in the image of divine wholeness and well-being.
  • I meet any challenge through the presence of God that strengthens me.
  • My mind is transformed, my life renewed.
  • God’s Love soothes and nourishes me; I am at peace.
  • Thank You, God, for rich opportunities to serve.


Bulletin May 4, 2014


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Sunday Service MediaWisdom and Strength, May 4, 2014