Dear Family,

It seems that recently, the pace of life has picked up significantly. If you factor in the holidays, it may help explain why so many people appear to be so stressed.  “Black Friday” became “black-eye Friday” in a number of stores; “knock-down, drag-outs” over sale items were the headlines.

It’s a good time to ask, “what’s it all about?” Or, “how do we bring our busy lives back into a more God-centered perspective?” The answer to that question came to me as simply, “Put kindness first.”  Act and speak first from kindness. Let it color your thoughts and your feelings. Kindness first is, of course, not just for a season, but if practiced, it will make our holiday season what it is intended to be. We will give to ourselves, and the world, a great gift – unconditional love, wrapped in kindness.

Join us this Sunday for the Second Sunday of Advent focused on Peace.

In the Spirit if Christmas,

Rev. Steve

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  1. God’s loving hand guides me in all I do.
  2. I still want the peace of God.
  3. I make time for myself to enter the Kingdom of Heaven today and every day.
  4. I am open and willing to allow the Christ to express through me.
  5. Thank You Loving Mother-Father for the Gift of the Prince of Peace.

Bulletin 12-08-2013


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Sunday Service MediaThe Prince of Peace – December 8, 2013