This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and this word alone hints that there is an anticipation of something good unfolding in our lives. In Unity we see this season as the story of our own birth, and this first week we will talk about faith. So I want to ask you; no matter what the appearance may be in your life today, are you prepared to accept all the good God has in Mind for you? If the answer is yes, excellent! And if you’re not really sure, then consider joining us on December 1st as we explore the topic, “Our Imprint of Faith.” You may discover you have more faith than you ever realized before. Blessings to you and yours during this holiday season.

Rev. Donna Loflin

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Sermon, December 1, 2013 Rev. Donna Loflin, Unity Church of the Hills, Austin TX from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Faith is my constant companion, and I am grateful.

I know that I am whole, worthy and loved.

God is active within me, now and always!

I have all the faith I need to overcome any challenge.

Centered in the Christ within, I am confident and strong.

2013-12-01 Bulletin


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Sunday Service MediaOur Imprint of Faith – December 1, 2013