Board Nominations 2024

Dear UCOH Family,

The UCOH 2024 Nominating Team: Rev. Cynthia Vermillion-Foster, Rev. Cindy Wright, Ellen Fannin and Joni Lorraine, Spiritual Director, MSF, are pleased to announce that nominations for the two openings on the UCOH Board of Trustees are being accepted now. Deadline for submission is October 20, 2024. The names of all qualified candidates will then be presented at the November 17, 2024 UCOH Annual meeting for election.
There are Qualifications/Limitations related to serving on the board Please take a look at these as you consider your nominee. If you are considering nominating someone other than yourself, please ask them if they are willing to serve on the board if elected, and ask their permission to nominate them and share their contact information.

Any person elected to the Board of Trustees must be a member of the Church and someone who:

(1) Endeavors to live in accordance with principles of love and truth as taught by Unity.
(2) A member of the Church for a minimum of one year;
(3) Desires to serve on the Board;
(4) Demonstrates leadership capabilities such as board/executive/managerial experience,
financial and budgetary responsibilities, strategic planning, excellent communications
skills, sound judgment, confidentiality, impartiality, and a history of leading by example;
(5) Financially committed to this ministry;
(6) Furthers the work of this ministry through his or her active participation, love and
(7) Is a sincere and continuing student of Unity, conversant with its teachings;
(8) Is not otherwise disqualified by these bylaws from serving on the Board.

(1) A Licensed Unity Teacher cannot serve on the Board.
(2) An elected trustee cannot be the spouse, parent, child, or significant other of another trustee or staff member of the Church.
(3) A spouse, parent, child, or significant other of an elected Trustee may not be an individual employed by the church, either full-time or part-time, with the exception of the Senior Minister.

If you know a person who fits these qualifications and you would like to nominate them we suggest you speak with that individual and explain why you think they would be a good Board member. Also ask if they would be willing to serve if elected, get contact information and submit the Nominating Form. You can also nominate yourself.
Nominating forms will be available Sunday, September 22nd on the UCOH website and paper copies available in the foyer along with a box where nominations may be placed.
We believe that Spirit is guiding this process and the right persons will be led at the right time to accept a right job.
If you have questions please feel free to contact a Nominating Team member.

BlogBoard Nominations 2024