Dear Family,

Ah, Fall is in the air. And, even though at this writing, it is quite warm outside and nary a cloud in sight, I am sticking with my statement, “The drought is breaking!” Thank You, Mother Nature, for the great rains of this past week!

It is a rich tradition here at UCOH to focus every Fall on a series of lessons that enhance our spiritual journey. We take the opportunity to replenish with new ideas and reminders of truths that we have been working with for many moons. This year, we begin this Sunday, October 6, with the 2013 version – “Our Journey of Coherence  – A Commitment to Heart-Based Living.”

It is a 7-part series that helps one live more from the heart, that place of deep wisdom within. Coherence, as you probably know, is a state that represents alignment. “When physicists talk about a coherent signal, they are referring to a signal made up of waves that are ‘in phase’ – their troughs (low points) and crests (high points) are parallel. When those waves are coherent, they are much more powerful.” From The Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

Please join us on this  journey.


Rev. Steve


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1. My heart, mind and emotions are aligned and in-sync.
2. Dwelling in the richness of God’s Love, I smile – inside and out.
3. Centered in my heart, I open to new insight and fresh inspiration.
4. My life is good.
5. Thank You Loving Spirit. I am living proof, You do good work!

Bulletin 10-06-2013


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Sunday Service MediaThe Golden Gate of Gratitude – Our Journey of Coherence, Part I October 6, 2013