This Sunday finds us in the first of a two-part series entitled “The Happy Heart,” informed in part by the work of the HeartMath Institute. One of its principals, Howard Martin, co-author of The HeartMath Solution, will be here Friday evening, September 6, for a two hour program and Saturday, Sept. 7 for an all-day workshop.

If you enjoy watching these videos and downloading the audios, please support this ministry through your donations. Donate Here

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[wptab name=’Audio’]Meditation Audio

Sermon Audio

Zip file for audio
2013-08-11 Audio files


[wptab name=’Affirmations’]

  1. I am constantly evolving into all that God created me to be!
  2. Centered in my heart, I relax and truly live.
  3. Love, peace, kindness and compassion are magnified through my willing heart!
  4. I am happy and grateful for God’s gifts to me.
  5. Thank You, Mother-Father God, for radiant health, wealth and wholeness!

Bulletin August 11, 2013


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Sunday Service MediaThe Happy Heart, Part 1 August 11, 2013