For the latest COVID update and Reopening News, go here.

Please review the On Campus attendance guidelines below before you RSVP.

For additional information on small in person gatherings, go here.

Attendance Guidelines

UCOH’s on campus COVID Guidelines & RSVP Policies will remain in effect through Sunday Services on May 30th. Starting with the June 6th Sunday Services, we will be back at full capacity with no RSVP necessary to attend Sunday Services. For more information, go here.

Through Sunday Services on May 30th, RSVP reservations will still be required to attend Services in person, although Sanctuary capacities will be significantly increasing each week, first to 150 on Sunday, May 23rd, and then to 250 on May 30th. In the RSVP, you will be asked the number of people in your party and their names. We are also able to provide child care outdoors on the playground on a limited basis. So, if your children are willing and able to wear a mask, and can abide by the other guidelines they are welcome to attend and avail themselves of the childcare provided.

If you registered in advance and find that you are unable to attend, please call the Church at 512-335-4449 or email as soon as possible, so that we may open up your reservations to someone else who might be on the waiting list, and would like to attend.

When the maximum number for the Sanctuary has been reached, RSVPs will close. There will be a waiting list. Should someone who has RSVPd not be able to attend, the first person on the list will be contacted.

Please understand that by registering, you affirm and acknowledge that you will be attending the Services voluntarily, and both recognize the possibility of potential risks involved, and assume personal responsibility for such risks.

To protect everyone’s health and to provide safe physical distancing, we want you to be aware of a few guidelines we have in place for everyone’s safety:

Proper cleaning and sanitation of the Church is an on-going process. Certain areas (Front entrance, Foyer, Bookstore, Hallway, Unity Oaks Lobby, all Restrooms and the Pavilion) will be cleaned before and after the Service. All other areas will remain closed until further notice.

If you are feeling ill or running a fever, please stay home. If you are in a high-risk group, we encourage you to continue watching the livestream from your home. Yes, livestreaming will certainly continue as normal, even after the Church is fully opened again. If you are uncomfortable attending in person, or simply more comfortable watching from your home, please do take advantage of our continued livestreaming on Facebook, YouTube and through our website.


When you arrive on the property, presently there are no parking attendants, but there should be ample space for parking on the property.

Entry for those with reservations in the Sanctuary is through the Main Entrance. A registration table for check-ins will be setup in the foyer.

An RSVP is required for Sanctuary seating. Until further notice, we will continue observing safe physical distancing of 6-feet. Therefore, there is a limit on the number of people who may attend, as well as limited seating in accordance with these safety guidelines.

We will require an RSVP check-in before you enter the Sanctuary. This check-in is necessary to conform to COVID-19 safety guidelines in tracking attendance for contact tracing purposes in the event an attendee tests positive for COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation with these safety guidelines that are intended to protect our entire spiritual family.

Please maintain safe distancing (6 feet) as you wait to check in and in all areas of the Church.


Check-in will open at 11am. Please arrive early to accommodate the time needed for safe check-in and seating.

Our on duty Service Volunteers will have received extensive training and we ask that you honor any requests they may make of you. Their first concern is the safety and health of each and every person in attendance, including you. So, please cooperate with any and all requests to these ends.


Upon your entry, you will be asked to sanitize your hands. In addition, there are a few self-assessment screening questions that will be posted prior to check-in, and you will need to satisfactorily answer these in order to safely attend Service.


Please be aware, there will be various signage placed at strategic locations throughout the Church grounds intended for everyone’s safety. We ask that you read these and observe all guidelines contained therein.

Ushers will be on duty to show you available seats.  Families, couples and those already within a social/physical unit may sit together.

Each person attending the Service is required to wear a mask as you approach the check-in area. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. When indoors, masks are required at all times. When outdoors, please keep your mask on whenever you are moving about.

Restroom availability will be limited to two people at a time in each restroom. 


Users of the Unity Oaks Ladies restroom need to avoid using stalls and sinks that are labelled for Wee Wisdom use only. Please check with a volunteer if you have questions, or special needs.

We are practicing touchless greetings. Please do not put others in an awkward position by asking for physical contact. Namaste/bows, air hugs, jazz hands and other appropriate non-contact greetings are encouraged and appreciated.

Until further notice, our nursery and Youth Education classrooms will not be open. However, we will be offering childcare on the playground on a limited, reservations only basis. If you wish to bring your children for the playground childcare, you can add their names when you RSVP for your reservations

There will be no printed bulletins, paper forms or handouts of any kind. Everything will be handled via digital media.

Congregational singing is discouraged as there has been some evidence that singing and talking loudly can possibly spread the virus whether an individual is showing symptoms of the virus or not.

Online giving is encouraged. However, baskets will be placed in the Sanctuary and Pavilion for in-person giving.

For the time being, water fountains will not be available for use. Feel free to bring your own bottled water, or other personal non-disposable containers.

The Bookstore will be open after the Service. Two customers at a time will be allowed in the bookstore. Congregants are encouraged to shop in advance and place their orders ahead of time. Pre-ordered items will be made available on a shelf outside the bookstore, labeled with your name. 

For now, seating will only be available for the 11:25am Service.

We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 safety guidelines, and will make safety adjustments as necessary.


There will not be any hospitality or indoor fellowship time offered at this time.  Any after-Service fellowship will be in the Pavilion.  Congregants may also use the parking lot to connect with others in fellowship.


We encourage people to arrive early to allow extra time for checking in, to be seated, and to go to the restroom if needed.

PLEASE NOTE: Reservations for coming Sunday Services are generally open a couple of weeks in advance, and will remain open for each upcoming service until capacity limits are reached for a particular service, or until  7am on the morning of the current week’s Sunday Services, whichever comes first. 

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