Our Vision

Centered in Love and Divine Oneness, we transform ourselves, our community and our world.

Our Mission

We put God first, celebrate Life, live Unity Principles, and empower each other to transform our lives.

Our Values


being led by Source; from which everything begins and returns.

  • We honor the many names for God, the many paths to God, the many ways of experiencing God.
  • We embrace all experiences as opportunities for transformation.
  • We listen for the voice of God guiding us on how to serve one another and the world.
  • We connect with and express the Divine in our thoughts, words and deeds.


practicing unconditional positive regard for God, self and one another.


  • We choose to see the Christ in all beings.
  • We serve one another and the world through compassionate action.
  • We mindfully balance our needs with the needs of others. 
  • We accept ourselves and others through the practice of forgiveness. 


creating a safe space that honors the diversity and uniqueness of every person.


  • We value the inherent worth and dignity of all beings as expressions of God.
  • We foster an environment that respects and welcomes everyone.
  • We seek to understand and appreciate the lived experiences of others.
  • We are deeply enriched as we consciously question our assumptions.

Statement of Inclusivity & Acceptance

Webster defines the word “unity” as the “state of forming a complete and pleasing whole…” At this time in the evolution of the planet and the lives of human beings upon it, the task of “forming a complete and pleasing whole” is the imperative for positive evolution and harmonious existence for all.

We must now remember more than ever, that we have much more in common than that which divides us.

The Unity movement stands for and will tirelessly work for harmony so all people may know the freedom of peaceful expression; so they may know their own inner worth and essential contribution to the whole of life.

  • Where there are divisions of opinions, beliefs and perspectives, Unity embraces curiosity, exploration and expanded awareness of the gifts of diversity.
  • Where there is fear of “the other,” Unity stands for inclusivity and peaceful acceptance of another’s right to create the life of their choosing.
  • Where there is oppression and confusion, we stand for justice and understanding, and for extending compassion, kindness and forgiveness to restore balance.
  • Where there is discrimination, we stand for inclusivity and equality. We are advocates for the well being, respect and civil freedom of every human being.

We only support proposals and actions which honor individuals or classes of individuals based on equality, regardless of national origin, class, creed, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation or gender identity. This is in alignment with the core beliefs and values established by our founders.

We choose Unity. In harmony with the divine Spirit we stand, so we may live in a spiritually awakened world that is continually evolving.

This is our prayer and our decree. Through our actions, we let it be.

To view Unity Worldwide Ministries June 2021 Resolution on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, go here.

Discover UnityAbout UsVision, Mission and Values