Most of you who have been around these teachings for a while have heard the words, “practical Christianity.”  Unity’s Co-founder, “Papa” Charles Fillmore defined it as “The teachings of Jesus practically applied in one’s daily life.” My title this Sunday is “Living Truth – How Practical Is Practical Christianity?” Living the teachings of Jesus is no small task. Forgiveness, acceptance, love, returning an act or word of unkindness with kindness is not easy – simple maybe but not easy. Instead of reaching for the “That Was Easy” button I have on my desk, sometimes I find that if I had a “That’s NOT Easy” button, it would get a lot more use. It makes a difference to know that we are here in this community to support each other in living these truths. As you know, the task, the willingness to really live these truths is worth the effort. Let’s have some “practical” fun this Season while employing this important Fifth Principle of Unity that reminds us to “Live These Truths!”

With Love,

Rev. Steve

[wptab name=’Meditation’]

2014-11-16 meditation with Rev. Ron Scott from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-11-16 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Affirmations and Bulletin’]


  • I am centered in the Peace and Love that God is.
  • I receive the blessing of beholding others with the eyes of Christ.
  • Through consistent loving thoughts and feelings I experience a more beautiful life.
  • I am immersed in meaningful prayer and meditation.
  • Thank You, Living, Loving Spirit, for my abundant life!


Bulletin 11-16-2014


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Sunday Service MediaLiving Truth – How Practical Is Practical Christianity? Nov. 16, 2014