Dear Friends:

The rain is softly falling as I write this. It is a gift that we are willingly receiving here in Texas because we need it so much. Likewise we need God. We need to feel our connection to the Divine. It was Myrtle and Charles Fillmore’s pursuit of addressing this need that led to their respective healings and ultimately the movement that would come to be known as Unity. This week we embrace the fourth principle of Unity’s teachings in our awareness – “There is Divine Power in meditation and affirmative prayer which increases our awareness of God’s Presence.”

A special gift this Sunday morning in our 9:25 and 11:25 services will be a meditation led by Francois le Roux of South Africa. He is the world-class cellist who brings the unique and powerful Ha!Man Benefit Concert to our Sanctuary this Sunday afternoon. His dedication to the work of LoveLight translates into loving support for scores of children in the community of Riviersonderend, South Africa. Please come join us.

With Love,
Rev. Steve

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2014-11-09 Meditation with Francois le Roux from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-11-09 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • God guides me on a path of love and order.
  • I am awake to the dynamic power of Spirit as my life!
  • My cells dance in celebration of perfect health and divine beauty!
  • As a divine center in the mind of God, I am permanently prospered!
  • Thank You, Sweet Spirit!


bulletin 11-09-2014


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Sunday Service MediaGaining Access to God, Nov 9, 2014