Our Fall Adventures in Faith is underway. Speaking of which, faith in the unseen, typically is an “adventure” and not always one that is easy. This week our lesson is the beginning of the Unity Basics i.e. “There is only One Power and One Presence in the Universe – God, the Good Omnipotent. I say not always “easy” because our senses – the outer stimulus tells us more often than not, that there must be at least two deities –One that represents the good and one that represents anything but good. In Unity we only believe in and thereby teach One God, and That God is pure Love. It takes faith to seek first that “Kingdom” as Jesus referred to It but the benefits justify the work, the focus to do so.

Please join us this Sunday for the 2nd in this important 7 Part Series on Proving the Power of Principle.

Blessings and Love,

Rev. Steve

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2014-10-19 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • There is One Presence and One Power in all the Universe—God.
  • This One Presence and One Power is All Good.
  • I am One with this One Presence and One Power that is God.
  • Thank You, God, for Your Peace is shining in me now!
  • My life is filled with abundance, and I am grateful.


bulletin 10-19-2014


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Sunday Service MediaThere is only One Power and One Presence, October 19, 2014