9:25 & 11:25 a.m…Youth Education…Education Wing & Unity Oaks

Today’s Lessons:

Toddlers/Unitots:  Truth for Tots

Pre-K/Kindergarten:  Celebrating our Diversity  (Principle 2)

First-Fifth Grade:  Is Truth the Same for Everyone? (Principle 2)

Uniteens:  Sanctuary

YOU:  Sanctuary

Youth Education News

YOU Sunday:  Today is YOU Sunday, when our teens deliver both Services in the Sanctuary, including the prayers, meditation and the message.  The theme of the Services is based upon the regional rally they just attended, “Summer Legacy”.  Be prepared to be blessed beyond measure for a fresh and insightful perspective on spirituality!
Reception for Teachers and Angels:  Every year on YOU Sunday we take time to honor all our teachers and angels for the time and energy they’ve invested throughout the year to build up our children spiritually.  Parents and guardians are invited to bring finger foods to share during the reception, such as cookies, muffins, fruit and veggies. Please bring all items to the kitchen for our hospitality team to present.

Uniteens Class:  There will be no 9:25 Uniteens class during the summer months, effective June 1 through August 17.  Any Uniteens who come to Church for the 9:25 Service are invited to join the 3rd-5th grade class or volunteer as a junior angel in a younger age classroom.  Uniteens are also
welcome to attend the adult Service in the Sanctuary with parents or guardians.

Electronic Check-In System: There are three FRED Stations available on Sunday mornings for electronic check-ins:  one in the Unity Oaks Lobby, one in the hallway outside of Room 131 and one outside the Youth Education office.  If you are checking children into Sunday childcare, please use the FRED station by the Youth Education office.

Real-Time Parenting Weekly Meet-up: The topic focus for the month of July is “Money Management.”  Join Language of Listening and Love &Logic facilitators and other parents for a solution-oriented discussion about the challenges and successes you are having with your children!  Love Offering.  Complimentary childcare is available in Room 135. Today at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 205

UncategorizedYouth and Family Newsletter, July 20, 2014