Dear UCOH Community,
It will be a pleasure this week for Mary and I to host our Youth of Unity as they bring their loving hearts to our 9:25 and 11:25 Celebration Services. This is a perennial highlight for our Church.
Last week:

    • I spoke directly to my experience of first coming to Unity Church of the Hills – how transformative this place and her people have been for me.
    • I spoke of the financial challenge that we have been moving through as a church accentuated by the months of May and June.
    • I shared with you the measures that we have taken – voluntarily as a Staff to help “right the ship.”
    • And with the framework of the wisdom of Proverbs 3:5-6, I asked each of us to turn a more willing ear to Spirit to be directed in our own giving.
    • Mary Bolen then shared from her own “first Unity” experience.
  • And in the third service, I was handed and read a note from one of our members who gave me permission to share it then and here:  “To: Unity Family and Staff, It’s been on my heart to express an admission to both myself and my family here. Were I a strong speaker, I’d stand and speak these words…I can only believe that in my words, there is power…that will take root and grow. I have been remiss in my commitment in tithing to my church. I’ve seen and felt the energy change around me and in my personal life and that of my church. I re-commit my love and resources to the family @ Unity Church. I invite this restored commitment to spread through all our hearts.”

I suggested this scripture become our mantra for now – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
if you were unable to join us, I want to encourage you to go to our website and click on the Sermon for July 13.
Have a beautiful weekend. See you Sunday.


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YOU Sunday at Unity Church of the Hills, July 20, 2014 from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Youth of Unity Sermon at Unity Church of the Hills, July 20, 2014 from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • Today, I choose to be happy.
  • Happiness is gratitude, and I am grateful.
  • I release and let go of anything that blocks my bliss.
  • By choosing to be my most authentic and loving self, I leave a trail  of magic everywhere I go.


Bulletin July 20, 2014


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Sunday Service MediaThe Wonderful World of Unity, July 20, 2014 YOU Sunday